This fall, use cinnamon to counterbalance the typically sweet profile of hard ciders. Take it a step above by using the method described below to achieve a toasted cinnamon caramel that mimics the flavor cinnamon develops as it sits in the oven on top of an apple pie.
In a pan, place cinnamon in the middle in a small mound.
Pour the whiskey around the cinnamon, but not on top. You want the whiskey touching the mound of cinnamon, but not covering it.
Light the whiskey on fire. This will burn the edges of the cinnamon, and burn out once the alcohol burns off.
Mix the remaining liquid with the cinnamon.
Toasted Cinnamon Caramel
In a bowl, combine the toasted cinnamon and caramel sauce until there are no lumps.
Toasted Cinnamon Hard Cider:
In a shaker, pour hard cider, toasted cinnamon caramel, and lemon juice over ice.
Using a cocktail spoon, stir the drink until well incorporated. Do not cover and shake, as the carbonation from the cider may cause a shaker explosion!
Double strain into a tumbler glass or 4 shooter glasses.
Garnish with apple slices, and *optional* more toasted caramel, and serve.
Chef's Tip!
Serve recipe as written in shooter glasses for tastings, or serve as a single drink in a tumbler glass.
Toasted Cinnamon not your thing or not right for your operation? Use McCormick Culinary Ground Korintji Cinnamon instead for a delicate, sweet and spicy cinnamon kick.