Set over to 350°. On a silpat lined sheet tray place crispy onions in an even layer close together. Cover with shredded parmesan cheese.
Bake until cheese has melted and slightly toasted, about 5 minutes. Cool completely and break into pieces. Hold in an airtight container until service.
Set grill to medium high. For each serving, brush cut side of one half romaine heart with 1 teaspoon dijon mustard. Grill until well marked on both sides but not wilted.
Plate grilled romaine. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of Caesar dressing and 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper.
Garnish with 6 halves of tomato, several shavings of parmesan cheese, and 1 onion parmesan crisp. Serve warm.
Chef's Tip!
Finish this salad with grilled chicken or flank steak to create a delicious entrée.